To book an appointment with Dr Rod Borrowdale, call (07) 3910 5150

Haemorrhoid Banding

Post Treatment Information

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You have been treated with rubber band ligation. This means that a small rubber band has been placed around the base of the pile or piles (haemorrhoids). This will cut off the blood supply to the pile, which will eventually cause it to fall off in 5-10 days (you may or may not notice this happening, when you pass stool.)

It is important to allow the rubber band to work, by avoiding the urge to pass stool for 8 hours after the procedure.

Dos and Don’ts

You may experience temporary discomfort for a few days. This is quite normal & you can take a mild analgesic, such as paracetamol for the pain.

Avoid taking any medication containing aspirin, as this can exacerbate bleeding.

Warm salt baths can be taken frequently to relieve discomfort.

Constipation and hard stool should be avoided by eating plenty of fibre (roughage) to facilitate passing stools comfortably. Recommended foods include fruit, vegetables, salads, multigrain bread, bran-based cereals and unprocessed bran. Also, high fibre supplements such as Metamucil can be used.

In addition to a high fibre diet, an adequate fluid intake is essential. Stay well hydrated.

You should avoid vigorous activity and heavy lifting for two weeks.

Please notify Dr Borrowdale or the Emergency Department if you experience any of the following symptoms…

  • Difficulty passing urine
  • Fever
  • Excessive or continuous bleeding of the back passage
  • Swelling of the anus
  • Redness, tenderness or swelling at the injection site (for sedation), in your arm or hand

Please call Dr Borrowdale’s rooms at Northside General Surgeons, ph. (07) 3910 5150 to make an appointment in 4-6 weeks.


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